2010-08-01 - Rock Creek Trail


8+ miles @ ~14 min/mi

Caren Jew meets me at the Lake Needwood parking lot and downstream we head along RCT, taking walk breaks as needed and enjoying the early Sunday morning. No signs forbid us, so although it's still unfinished we cautiously venture onto the pedestrian bridge over Veirs Mill Rd and view traffic passing below. There are no safety railings, equipment is strewn about, and the concrete is covered in plastic sheeting.

Caren has The Eye and on the way back points out a barred owl and a chipmunk. To add some hill work we cross the scary metal mesh bridge and climb the side trail to Marcia Lane and Linthicum Street as used in the long-ago 2005-11-13 - Rock Creek Park Marathon and Relay (see map). I amuse Caren by reminiscing about the volunteer at the top who gave me a powdered donut during that race. We push between mileposts 13 and 14 to make the final mile in 11:34, and follow it up with a cooldown loop around the parking area road.

^z - 2010-08-20